Melissa Moore

Audio Projects

Music Statement

Moore’s gallery and performative sound work ranges from noisey finger-pickin folk guitar, invented instruments, voice, and electronics to music based in field recording composition (performing under the name tauu).  Her composed work involves the magnification of minute sound sources, focusing attention on the physical properties of materials and unusual acoustic phenomena in a reductive and elemental way.  She works with such diverse sources as field recordings, fire, water, invented instruments, electronics, percussion, acoustic-folk guitar and voice.  She is also interested in the seemingly unlikely intersection of traditional musics (mainly guitar and other traditional string instruments) combined with electronic music. Her current music and performance work involves machine-sewn, clear-vinyl portable structures  of her own design and construction.  There is multi-disciplinary approach to  her work, paying careful attention to the intersection of sound, architecture, and installation.

Wake-making: Ceremony of a Polyrhythmic Biogram (most recent project)

Afrogermanicsm show with John Berndt’s Multi-phonic Choir

Wind-up Space   January 2010

Melissa Moore: Wake-making: Ceremony of a Polyrhythmic Biogram Parts 1-4

Whispers for Wolves/Biosphere 3 and the Kiva of Duality (solo music project)

B/ Be Inn Baltimore- Buffalo Artist Exchange: SoundLab April 17, 2009

Whispers for Wolves at SoundLab (Buffalo)

Performing inside one of my sewn portable structures. Inspired by the failed human/biome experiment “Biosphere 2”.

Electronics, turntable and test records (electronics built by Peter B.)

audio of performance here

Pocket Sandwich Portland, Oregon   June 2008

Whispers for Wolves at Pocket Sandwich Portland OR

Cocolase, namastitar, voice, and guitar

Secret Secrets: Weirdo Nature Art Show  (curated by Melissa Moore) May 2008

Electronics, voice, video and banjo. Live performance as part of a video/performance/sound show at Scarey Studios in Baltimore, MD.  Other artists/musicians: Jenny Sheppard (of metaluxx), Chiara Giovando (of harrius), Erin Womack/Nick Becker/Hermonie Williams, Waltr Carpenter (of hexspeak)

tauu  (field recording/electroacoustic composition project)

14 Karat Cabaret  Baltimore, MD 2007


High Zero Experimental Music Festival  Baltimore, MD 2007


Invented instruments and field recordings.  Performance with Marina Rosenfeld (turntables)  and Sofia Joenberg  (voice)


universal seed

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